Wayne Peng
National Chung Hsing University
Let $f$ be a polynomial over integer, and let $a$ be an arbitrary integer. We call a prime $p$ a primitive prime of the sequence $\{f^n(a)\}$ if $p$ divides $f^m(a)$ for some $m$ and no further term before $m$ is divisible by $p$.
We call $a$ a preperiodic point of $f$ if $f^m(a)=f^n(a)$ for some distinct integer $m$ and $n$, and call it periodic point if $f^m(a)=a$ for some integer $m$.
We would like to know the size of
$$\text{Prep}(f,\mathbb{Q})=\{a\in\mathbb{Q}\mid a\text{ is a preperiodic point of }f\}$$
$$\text{Per}(f,\mathbb{Q})=\{a\in\mathbb{Q}\mid a\text{ is a periodic point of }f\}$$
Performing composition with rational functions $f$ and $g$ is straightforward. However, decomposing a function $F$ can be a challenging task. $$ \frac{x^2+1}{2x}\circ \frac{2x+1}{x^2-1}=\frac{5x^2+4x}{4x^3+x^2-4x-1}$$
We say $F=F_1\circ F_2\circ\cdots\circ F_n$ is a complete decomposition of $F$ if each $F_i$ is indecomoposible.
Let $K$ be a field and $M$ be an intermediate field between $K$ and $K(X)$, for some transcendental element $X$ over $K$. Then there exists a rational function $f(X)\in K(X)$ such that $M=K(f(X))$. In other words, every intermediate extension between $K$ and $K(X)$ is a simple extension.
We say two functions $f$ and $g$ have composition relation if there exist nontrivial solutions for $$ A_n\circ A_{n-1}\circ\cdots\circ A_1 = B_n\circ B_{n-1}\circ\cdots\circ B_1 $$ where $A_i$ and $B_i$ are either $f$ or $g$.
We say that $\langle f,\ g\rangle$ is a rank 2 free generated semigroup with composition as the operation if $f$ and $g$ have no compositional relation.
p.s. If we further consider the addition of functions, then we call the structure near ring.
A rational map $f$ of degree two or more will be called a finite quotient of an affine map if there is a flat surface $\mathbb{C}/\Lambda$, an affine map $L(t) = at+b$ from $\mathbb{C}/\Lambda$ to itself, and a finite-to-one holomorphic map $\theta: \mathbb{C}/\Lambda \to \mathbb{C}\setminus \mathcal{E}_f$ which satisfies the semiconjugacy relation $f \circ \theta = \theta \circ L$, i.e. the following diagram commute:
Let $f(x)=x^3+x$ and $g(x)=-x^3-x$. We have $$ f\circ f = g\circ g. $$
Is there any $f$ and $g$ where their Julia sets are not the "same" and satisfy $$f\circ g\circ f=g\circ f\circ g?$$
Let $\alpha=\frac{p}{q}\in\mathbb{Q}$ be a rational number in lowest terms. The naive height $h:\mathbb{Q}\to\mathbb{R}_{\geq 0}$ is $$ h(\alpha)=\log(\max\{|p|,|q|\}). $$
If we allow $\alpha$ not in lowest terms, the naive height is equivalent to $$ h(\alpha) = \sum_{p\in M_{\mathbb{Q}}} \log(\max\{1,|\alpha|_p\}) $$ where $M_{\mathbb{Q}}$ is the set of all places (absolute values) over $\mathbb{Q}$.
Suppose $d=\deg(f)>1$, and let $n>m>0$. We have $$ \begin{aligned} &\left|\dfrac{h(f^n(\alpha))}{d^n}-\dfrac{h(f^m(\alpha))}{d^m}\right|\\ &=\left|\dfrac{h(f^n(\alpha))}{d^n}-\dfrac{h(f^{n-1}(\alpha))}{d^{n-1}}\right.\\ &\left.+\dfrac{h(f^{n-1}(\alpha))}{d^{n-1}}-\cdots +\dfrac{h(f^{m+1}(\alpha))}{d^{m+1}}-\dfrac{h^m(\alpha)}{d^m}\right|\\ &\leq \dfrac{C_f}{d^n}+\dfrac{C_f}{d^{n-1}}+\cdots+\dfrac{C_f}{d^{m+1}} \end{aligned} $$
Therefore, the following limit, called canonical height, exists $$ h_f(\alpha) = \lim_{n\to\infty}\frac{h(f^n(\alpha))}{d^n}. $$
Let $f$ and $g$ be rational functions of degrees greater than $1$. Let $\omega=\phi_m\cdots\phi_1$ where $\phi_j$ is equal to $f$ or $g$ for each $i$. Let $s_j=\phi_j\cdots \phi_1$ for $j\leq m$.
With the notation as above, we have $$ \left|\dfrac{h(w(\alpha))}{\deg\omega}-\dfrac{h(s_j(\alpha))}{\deg s_j}\right|<\dfrac{\max\{C_f,C_g\}}{\min\{\deg(f),\deg(g)\}^j} $$ for $j=1,\ldots,m$.
By the assumption, we choose an $\varepsilon< |h_f(\alpha)-h_g(\alpha)|/2\neq 0$. Then $B(h_f,\varepsilon)\cap B(h_g,\varepsilon)=\emptyset$.
By the previews lemma, we know there is a $j$ such that, for all words starting with $j$ many $f$, their canonical heights at $\alpha$ will stay in $B(h_f,\varepsilon)$.
Similarly, for all words starting with $j$ many $g$, their canonical heights at $\alpha$ will stay in $B(h_g,\varepsilon)$.
Thus we can conclude that any word starting with $j$ many $f$ won't equal to one starting with $j$ many $g$.
Input: polarized morphism $f$ and $g$, and an integer $n$
Output: A Boolean indicating whether $f$ and $g$ have a composition relation, or "indeterminable" if the algorithm cannot determine by the binary tree under level $n$.
Therefore, to check if we have nontrivial composition relation, we can simply assume that the first (the most right) function is not the same.
We conducted an experiment on 10,000 cases, randomly selecting coefficients for degree 3 rational functions. For each case, we randomly chose a value for alpha and set the limit level to 9, before performing a test. We continued the test until we either achieved success or reached 10 attempts, after which we deemed the result indeterminable