Wayne Peng
joint with J. Bell, K. Huang, T. Tucker, and S.-F. Tsai
Workshop on Dynamical System
The existence of any relation between generators results in a reduction in the count of distinct words within $\Sigma^*_n$, leading to the inequality $\#\Sigma^*_n\leq (\#\Sigma)^n$.
Let $\Sigma=\{f_1,\ f_2,\ \ldots,\ f_m\}$, and assume $f_if_j=f_jf_i$ for all $i$ and $j$.
We say the growth rate of the semigroup $\langle f,g\rangle$ is $f(n)$ if $\#\Sigma^*_n=O(f(n))$. A polynomially bounded growth corresponds to $f(n)$ being a polynomial, while an exponentially growth corresponds to $f(n)$ being an exponential function.
Let $\mathcal{S}\subset\mathbb{C}(x)$ be a finitely generated semigroup of endomorphisms of $\mathbb{P}^1$. Then either $\mathcal{S}$ has polynomially bounded growth or contains a nonabelian free semigroup (exponential growth).
Let $f,g\in\mathcal{C}(x)$ be two endormophisms of $\mathbb{P}^1_{\mathbb{C}}$, each having degree greater than $1$. Then the followings are equivalent:
Input: polarized morphisms $f$ and $g$, and an integer $n$
Output: A Boolean indicating whether $f$ and $g$ have a composition relation, or "indeterminable" if the algorithm cannot determine by searching on a binary tree up to level $n$.
Therefore, to verify a nontrivial composition relation, we can simply assume that the rightmost functions are distinct.
The only remaining case is when we have a semigroup generated by monomials like $$ \langle \zeta_1x^{n_1},\zeta_2x^{n_2},\ldots,\zeta_mx^{n_m}\rangle. $$
If $\zeta$ is a primitive fifth root of unity, then the semigroup generated by $f=x^2$ and $g=\zeta x^3$ has the following nine relations, none of which is generated by the other:
A finitely generated semigroup $G=\Sigma^*/\mathcal{R}$ with the following properties:
If $G$ is a finitely generated semigroup that meets the three specified conditions, then the cardinality of $\mathcal{R}$ is finite and does not depend on our choice of relations. Furthermore, the process of finding relations can be finished in a finite number of steps.