Let me set the notations.

  • $T$ is trancendental over $\mathbb{F}_{q}$ where $q$ is a power of prime $p$.
  • $f$ is a monic polynomial over $\mathbb{F}_{q}[T]$.
  • $r$ is an arbitrary integer.
  • $\pi$ is an irreducible element in $\mathbb{F}_q[T]$

For convenience, we let $A=\mathbb{F}_{q^r}[T]$. We want to find a positive integer $B$ such that if $(x_1,x_2,\ldots, x_r)\in A\times\pi^{n-1}A\times\cdots\times\pi^{n-1}A$ is a solution of

\(\det\left(\begin{matrix} x_1-X & x_2 & \cdots & x_r\\\\ \pi\sigma(x_r) & \sigma(x_1)-X & \cdots & \sigma(x_{r-1})\\\\ \ldots & \ldots & \ddots & \ldots\\\\ \pi\sigma^{r-1}(x_2) & \pi\sigma^{r-1}(x_3) & \cdots & \sigma^{r-1}(x_1)-X \end{matrix}\right) = f,\) then $n$, $\deg(x_1)$, $\cdots$, and $\deg(x_r)$ are bounded by $B$.

For example, we can consider the following settings:

  • $f=X^2+TX+1$
  • $\pi = T$
  • $r = 3$
  • $p = 5$


We can set $B$ to be $n$ because if there is no solution for lower degree, then it won’t have solution for higher degree.

r = 3 q = 5 field_of_coefficients = GF(q,'a') F. = FunctionField(field_of_coefficients) FT. = F[] monic_minima_poly = FT([2*t^6, 0, 0, 1]) K. = F.extension(monic_minima_poly) pi = t matrix_space = MatrixSpace(FT,r) def generate_matrix(row: tuple or list, q): matrix = [row] r = len(row) for n in range(r-1): new_row = [pi*row[r-1]^q] + [ l^q for l in row[:r-1]] matrix.append(new_row) row = new_row return matrix_space(matrix).charpoly().list() d = max([c.degree() for c in monic_minima_poly.coefficients()]) print(d) for n in range(d+1): print(n) coefficients_range = cartesian_product([field_of_coefficients for i in range(d+1)]) polynomial_range = [F(list(a)) for a in coefficients_range] pi_polynomial_range = [pi^n*F(list(a)) for a in coefficients_range if pi^n*F(list(a)).degree()<=d] matrix_range = [polynomial_range] + [pi_polynomial_range for i in range(r-1)] print(len(cartesian_product(matrix_range))) for a in cartesian_product(matrix_range): print(generate_matrix(a, q)) print(generate_matrix(a, q)==monic_minima_poly.list()) </div>