My name is Wayne Peng. Nice to meet you.

Personal Information

  • Name: Wayne Peng, Ph.D.
  • Education: Graduate from the University of Rochester
  • Current Position: Assistant Professor at National Center University in Taiwan
  • Email:

  • Research Topic: Number theory, specifically arithmetic dynamical systems, Galois Theory, specifically arboreal representation, and Group Theory, sepecially Tit’s alternative. You can find my research result here.

Coding Skills

  • Languages: Python, JavaScript (if necessary), C (previously learned)
  • Tools/Frameworks: Sagemath, Django, Jekyll, Data Science (with a focus on data visualization)
  • Recent Project: Developed a universal algorithm to determine if two rational functions have any composition relationship and helping maintain Sagemath’s Carlitz and Drinfield module library. We want to use this library to generate some interesting example about Carlitz and Drinfield module.

I am looking for opportunities to work with others who share similar interests. Shoot me an email if you are the same.