1. W. Peng. Application of perfectoid spaces on dynamical system of lift of p-th power Journal of Number Theory, 2023 (link)
  2. W. Peng. A unique chief series in the arboreal galois group of belyi maps, 2020, arXiv:2010.04846 (Submitted to Manuscripta Mathematica)
  3. H. Benham, A. Galaraga, B. Hutz, J. Lupo, W. Peng, and A. Towsley. Integrality and thurston rigidity for bicritical pcf polynomials, 2022, arXiv:2001.06164* (To appear in Periodica Mathematica Hungarica) (arXiv)
  4. H. Benham, A. Galaraga, B. Hutz, J. Lupo, W. Peng, and A. Towsley. New normal forms for degree three polynomials and rational functions, 2022, arXiv:2001.06164* (To appear in Invovle) (arXiv)
  5. J. P. Bell, K. Huang, W. Peng, and T. J. Tucker. A tits alternative for rational functions, 2021, arXiv:2103.09994 (To appear in JEMS) (arXiv)
  6. W. Peng. Abc implies there are infinitely many non-fibonacci-wieferich primes. Journal of Number Theory, 2020 (link)
  7. A. Chlopecki, J. Levier-Gomes, W. Peng, A. Shearer, and A. Towsley. Permutation polynomials: iteration of shift and inversion maps over finite fields, 2019, 1910.12928 (Submitted to DM) (arXiv)
  8. G. Grell and W. Peng. Wall’s conjecture and the abc conjecutre, 2015, (arXiv)

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