- W. Peng. Application of perfectoid spaces on dynamical system of lift of p-th power Journal of Number Theory, 2023 (link)
- W. Peng. A unique chief series in the arboreal galois group of belyi maps, 2020, arXiv:2010.04846 (Submitted to Manuscripta Mathematica)
- H. Benham, A. Galaraga, B. Hutz, J. Lupo, W. Peng, and A. Towsley. Integrality and thurston rigidity for bicritical pcf polynomials, 2022, arXiv:2001.06164* (To appear in Periodica Mathematica Hungarica) (arXiv)
- H. Benham, A. Galaraga, B. Hutz, J. Lupo, W. Peng, and A. Towsley. New normal forms for degree three polynomials and rational functions, 2022, arXiv:2001.06164* (To appear in Invovle) (arXiv)
- J. P. Bell, K. Huang, W. Peng, and T. J. Tucker. A tits alternative for rational functions, 2021, arXiv:2103.09994 (To appear in JEMS) (arXiv)
- W. Peng. Abc implies there are infinitely many non-fibonacci-wieferich primes. Journal of Number Theory, 2020 (link)
- A. Chlopecki, J. Levier-Gomes, W. Peng, A. Shearer, and A. Towsley. Permutation polynomials: iteration of shift and inversion maps over finite fields, 2019, 1910.12928 (Submitted to DM) (arXiv)
- G. Grell and W. Peng. Wall’s conjecture and the abc conjecutre, 2015, (arXiv)
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